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- Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 12:37:51 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Timothy Miller <millert@undergrad.csee.usf.edu>
- Subject: Re: New proposal
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- In-Reply-To: <memo.270122@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.87.9406021251.F11025-0100000@undergrad>
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Precedence: bulk
- Here, I make suggestions on individual changes...
- On Thu, 2 Jun 1994, Ofir Gal wrote:
- >
- > Hi,
- >
- > I have taken in some of your comments and this is the result. There is
- > still one problem which is block ops.
- >
- > Proposed Keyboard Shortcut Standard v4 - 2 June 1994
- > ===========================================================
- >
- > CTRL O - Open
- > CTRL N - New
- > CTRL U - Close Windows
- > Shift CTRL U - Close All Windows
- > CTRL W - Cycle Windows
- > Shift+CTRL W - Bottom top window (reverse cycling)
- > CTRL S - Save
- > Shift+CTRL S - Save As...
- > CTRL P - Print
- > Shift CTRL P - Printer Configuration, Page Layout
- > CTRL Q - Quit
- > CTRL X - Cut
- > CTRL C - Copy
- > Shift+CTRL C - Append (to clipboard)
- > CTRL V - Paste
- > CTRL A - Select All
- > Shift CTRL A - Deselect All
- I think that select-all should be shift-ctrl-A, and there's no point in
- using deselect-all, since you should use whatever you normally use to
- hide the block for that. Also, if you use the Mac-style block=big cursor
- paradigm, then there's no need for deselect-all at all.
- > CTRL F - Find
- > CTRL G - Find next
- > CTRL R - Replace *1
- > CTRL T - Replace Next
- Yes, these work nicely, I think. There's no need for reverse operations
- since that could be selected using a radio button, and apps should ask
- the user if he wants to start back at the beginning (end) when the end
- (beginning) is reached.
- > Help - Open Help Window
- > Undo - Undo Last op
- > CTRL Undo - Redo last op
- > CTRL I - Show Info
- > CTRL BS - Delete word to left
- > CTRL Del - Delete word to right
- > CTRL left/right arrow - Move one word left/right
- > CTRL up/down arrow - Move one paragraph up/down
- > CTRL Home - Move to top of page
- These should use SHIFT.
- > Shift+CTRL Home - Move to bottom of page
- > ClrHome - Move to top of document
- > Shift+ClrHome - Move to bottom of document
- > Shift left/right arrow - Move to start/end of line
- > Shift up/down arrow - Scroll one screen up/down
- > Shift Del - Delete to end of line
- > Shift BS - Delete from start of line
- These should use CONTROL.
- > CTRL Y - Delete line
- > Shift CTRL Y - Delete Paragraph
- > Delete - Delete selected objects
- (this is good)
- > CTRL D - Abandon (iconify or place in menu)
- > CTRL Z - Font Selector
- > Shift CTRL Z - Charmap (text processor/editor)
- >
- > CTRL [ - Set block start
- > CTRL ] - Set block end
- > Shift+CTRL [ - Move to block start
- > Shift+CTRL ] - Move to block end
- >
- > The above 4 need to change to cope with German keyboards. What is
- > the current German standard?
- >
- > Insert - Insert mode
- > Shift+Insert - Overwrite mode
- >
- > In Dialog Boxes
- > ---------------
- >
- > Return - OK, Yes, etc...
- > Undo - Cancel, Abort, etc...
- >
- > Other buttons should be available via ALT+<x> as in Let 'em Fly. Editable
- > text fields should follow the standard as above. CTRL+DEL to delete word
- > right of cursor, SHIFT+DEL to delete whole line from cursor, ClrHome to
- > move to top object, etc...
- >
- >
- > Comments and suggestions
- > ------------------------
- >
- > The main theme of this standard is to allow SHIFT to act as a
- > modifier for CTRL shortcuts. CTRL+S for save and SHIFT+CTRL+S for
- > Save As...
- And vice-versa!
- >
- > Under discussion is a file called SHORTCUT.SYS or SHORTCUT.INF
- > which will go in the system dir (root of boot drive?).
- > Applications that support this will take their keyboard shortcuts
- > from this file. This will allow the user to globally change the
- > keys for ALL apps via a single file.
- I really don't like this. It brings to mind bad memories of CONFIG.SYS
- Keep it simple!
- >
- > Function keys should remain app dependent. They can be used for
- > Macros, text styles, special operations, user configurable, etc.
- >
- > Keyboard shortcuts should be displayed in the menu as follows
- >
- > Shift - ASCII 1 - Up arrow
- > CTRL - ASCII 94 - ^
- > ALT - ASCII 7 - same as FULLER
- These are good.
- >
- > The actual character should be UPPER CASE. The order should be
- > SHIFT+CTRL+char or SHIFT+ALT+char. CTRL+ALT should not be used as
- > this is used by the OS for app switching, reset, etc.
- >
- > Bye,
- >
- > Ofir ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk
- >
- >